
It's been 3weeks since my hubby went to Alberta, and he will come back to us in the middle of May. Just me and my little boy here at Malaysia. I'm so exited every time he said he have a great and wonderful journey during the weekends, visitmany places with his friend, and also I'm so exited to hear that he bought us a lot of gift even though it's still a secret..LOL..it's even more exiting! hahaha...

Below is a photo of him visit Drumheller valley, The town of Drumheller at Alberta, Canada. Awww, isn't it gorgeous?! i really love this photo! I create this layout and i like it even more he he...


irmabuana said...

Kereeeeennn!!! Fotonya juga keren, gayanya itu loh asli keren ren ren!!! Kok bisa sih ada bayangan kayak cermin di bawah gitu? Badewei Ben pasti jadi pengen kesana juga ya...

Fenny said...

Aduh kesian dech Emma ditinggal lama banget.......msh lama banget lg baliknya ya? Wah coba ikutan tuch Ma, asik kan...hehehe.. Jd semangat nyecrap nich Ya Ema...
Keren bngt LOnya Ma... jadi kayak di Jurasic Park.... Itu gimana sich buat bayangan di bawah gitu....?
Amazing Page...

Nia said...

Keren banget foto ama refleksi bayangannya. Top!!!

Nunik said...

uhui...uhui...yang lagi kangen nih, sememntara Emma liat fotonya dulu aja..he..he

Great LO, sist...