In my Garden kit

Here is new kit from Scrap Shana, she called it "In my garden kit" I love the soft color and the elements are cute he to play with it. You can buy this kit at DigiScrapGanza, hurry up, it's 30%off now!

...and here are the layout using this kit...
and ohh....i used the pics from the challenge at scrapbok flair, hope you would like to vote for me, if you do like my layouts. Thanks!
I just found this idea when i was thinking about what pic did i want to use, yes...sometimes you'll feel bored using your own pic. Isn't it?!
And I'm not sure yet that I want to use someone pic i never known, just pick from Internet. The reason is i love to scrap and i wanted to use any pic to remember! Pics that i belong to or pics from the friends of mine and family.
Then...i can't found any of pics in my file suitable for this kit (at that time of course!)
And then i visit my forum at scrapbook flair, found the challenge "in memory of Max and Saga",
and here it is, beautiful pictures...Oh I'm so happy, and i really love the pics, and feel very sorry about the story of them. maybe some of you know about it. It touch my heart!

Isn't it worth ed. You definitely can create a beautiful layout and also join the challenge! Great choice for me! he he

PS: Sorry for my messy English, i don't care about it! i know you'll understand what i mean LOL LOL


irmabuana said...

Kit-nya kereeeen banget! Soft colour-nya aku suka banget deh!

LO-nya keren2 Emma! Simply beautiful!

Nunik Achmad said...

xi..xi..xi, hasil chattingan langsung posting di sini.
Tunggu fotonya ku kirim ya.
Atau jangan cuma foto Fikri, tapi fotoku juga..he..he

Emma said...

to nunik:
soalnya baru bisa dipublish, designernya baru kabarin tadi, so baru aplod deh..

fenny said...

duh ganteng dan cantik2nya model2nya Emma sekarang.....LOnya juga manissss banget..... kitnya keren banget yach.....
Eh aku dapet Happy Place nih ni hari.... akhirnyaaaa.....