It's me, Ameyasa, he he. With my lovely little boy, Ben!
Credit: kit by Kawouette Design.Tq
Credit to: Happy Scrap, Scrapliline, for the kits,
and the pretty frame(i forgot where it from, sorry). Thanks.
Ternyata oh ternyata daku mulai ketagihan ikutin challange nih huhu. Seru bener bow hihi.
Yuk ikutan ketagihan ma aku yuk. Jangan takut layoutnya merasa kurang bagus, tujuannya biar makin fasih ngescrap and utak2 photoshopnya or software yg dipake.
Ini aku ikutan lagi nih Challange di Scrapbookflair "Scrap your Hero". Yup bener banget, klo ada yg tau dr. Donny Gunawan di RS Siloam Tangerang, belio dulu dr kandunganku pas ngelahirin ben. Rekomen buat temen2 yang mau cari dr kandungan. Orangnya ramah, baik, bisa menenangkan pasien, pinter dan juga yg paling oke bisa ditelpon 24 jam. Kebayang ga aku pernah nelpon dia konsultasi jam 2 malem karena kuatir, disambut baik. Aku bisa tidur tenang lagi huhu...hehe.
So ketika liat ada challange itu langsung deh keinget belio. Moga belio selalu sehat dan tetep jadi dokter yg good. Amin.
Gimana layoutnya, bagus kaga ya?
Freebies anyone...?
Yup, here are some freebies for you! I create this frames, a simply nice frames and adding some clips as an extra bonus he he.
I really love using frames to my layout and i think some of you would like to use it if you want to.
Please feel free and enjoy download it HERE.
That would be great if you leave some comment here. Thank You and have a great weekend everyone...!Muahh!
I joined the challenge to scrap Ethan Xavier pic on Scrapbookflair Challenges. I took the freebie kit "Moon and Star" by Lori, and the angle wing from Casa de Anjo.Tq
Here is the layout. What do you say?Vote for me if you think that's a nice layout...yeah :D
Baru aja nemuin banner code blogroll, pas lagi asik2 browsing kits di Digifree, masuk ke link nya Hummie's World. langsung deh ikutan dan juga sekalian posting disini, buat infoin temen2 endonesah-ku tercinta yg kali kepengen.
Itu dia seperti exchange link juga sepertinya tapi yg menarik buatku adalah aku bisa ikutan keep disini link2 para scrapper and itu di apdet dg sendirinya sama yg bikin. Dan kita bisa ninggalin pesen buat blog kita di link balik and dimasukin dalam blogroll itu. Tentunya blog2 para scrapper.
Buat aku sih asik aja karena makin banyak link makin puas searching kits gratis hehe.
Yuk temen2 yg pengen langsung ke Hummie's World untuk ambil bannernya. Dan satu lagi yuk buat temen2 yang udh ngerasa mulai kepincut and jadiin scrapbook digital buat hobby, yuk bikin blog khusus scrapbook digital, ntar kita tukeran link yah...hehe...
Nih dia dibawah ini blogroll codenya:
Dah lama ikut Scrapbookflair tapi blom2 juga aktif di forum atau Challenges, soalnya maunya banyak banget sih, pengen tau ini, itu, dll, mpe komunitas ga jalan akias terlupakan hihi. Sekarang2 malah pengen aktip...duh...duh..mana harusnya udh ngurangi kegiatan macam2 malah nambah banyak pengennya aku ini. Doh!Yup...Scrapbookflair lah yang melahirkan aku sebagai Ameyasa, mengenalkan aku dengan Scrapbook Digital. Aku ga akan pernah lupa itu. Biarpun banyak sekali forum2 Scrapbook yang malah udh lebih keren2 websitenya tapi buatku Scrapbookflair is the best dihati hehe....Thanks to Nia ngajakin and encourage untuk ikutan Challenges.Layout ini layout pertamaku dimasukin ke Challenges di Scrapbookflair, padahal dah time remaining. Dah hampir habis waktunya....huhu sapa yg mau vote, org2 baru nge-view haha... Gapapa, yang penting rasanya dah senang udh ikutan aktif di Scrapbookflair yah.
Hallo....Akhir2 ini lagi jarang browsing2 scrapbook nih, and ga tau dalam waktu deket bisa bikin2 tutorial lagi. Kalo lagi waktunya klop pasti bikin, cuma cari waktu yg klop itu yg susye hehe, adasedikit kesibukan tambahan.Nah sementara itu aku memutuskan taruh disini beberapa link yg pernah kutemukan di belantara internet... link Photoshop, scrapbook dan freebies tutorial.Beberapa teman suka tanya dimana aja biasa dapetin freebies? karena kali udh sering pake digiscrapdepot atau scrapbookflair aja ya? So yg ada di bookmark ku ku paste disini siapa tau ada yg mau linknya...Sebetulnya sih kalo suka browsing2 bisa gampang dapetin link2 freebies, dimana2. kalo misal udh berada di satu blog/website yg ada freebiesnya, di klik aja dia punya blogroll atau link di dalemnya pasti nemu2 lagi yg lain, begitu terus sampe dapet kits yg cocok mau dipake...Yang ada dibawah ini cuma sedikit dari yg banyak di inet, cuma buat temen2 yg kerja kan sibuk boleh bermanfaat buat langsung klik disini. Kapan2 klo ada waktu lagi aku copi paste lagi disini yaa...hasil browsingan.Untuk yg photosop tutorial itu link main nya, banyak banget tutorial ditiap2 link itu, ditelusuri aja dalemnya, oke....Men mencoba temen2, happy scrap beibeh....!NB: Buat temen2 yg baru mulai nge-scrap, langsung aja CLICK DISINI. dan di dalem situ juga ada link menuju tutorial gimana cara men-download freebies. Oke! Sementara Ameyasa agak2 jarang cetingnya nih, suka di sabotase ma krucilku klo siang,klomalam ngantuk, jd susah buat ceting ttg tutorial ya. tapi jangan ragu email aja ( ya, kalo ngebales email lebih mudah ngatur waktunya daripada ceting untuk sementara ini, pasti segera dibales deh, mudah2an.....amin. So klo cobain tutorial ada yg ga nyambung email daku dengan senang hati dibales. Tengkiu!Photoshop Tutorials > My Photo Soft> Photoshop Essentials> Thai Templates World> Lunacore> PSD Tutorial> eSCRAPPERS> Photoshop Tutes> Photoshop Talent> Photoshop Road Map> Photoshop Tutorial ws> Photoshop TutorialsScrapbook Tutorial> DSU Tutorial> Dare to Scrap Links> Ellies Treasures > Misty Cato design> JenStrange> Scrapbook BytesScrapbook Freebies> Digiscrapdepot> Dare to Scrap> DigiFree> Scrapbookflair> Scrap Passion> Ikeagoddess> FeiFeiStuff> Tout Un Scrap> Passion Creation> Scrapstewsue> Timounette
> Vicky's Blog
Digital scrapbooking is gaining in popularity rather quickly and is one of the newest trends in scrapbooking. So how do you get started? For someone who is just beginning, it can seem like a overwhelming project to start. By using the computer to enhance your scrap booking pages, you can create entire pages on the computer. There are a lot of people use the computer to enhance their photos and scrap booking pages. Photo programs are being used to edit photos on the computer before putting them in the album. They are removing red-eye, blurring out distracting backgrounds and enhancing the color of their photos. Some scrapbookers are even printing their own photos at home. Doing this allows you to customize the size of the photo to fit perfectly onto your page. To get started the first thing you need to do is gather all your pictures. You'll need pictures computer. They can be pictures you've taken with your digital camera, pictures that have been emailedto you or old pictures you've scanned and imported to your computer. It doesn't matter how you got them on your computer, what's important is they are there! After you have all you pictures on your computer you will need to decide what software program you are going to use. There are basically two different types of software for digital scrapbooking. Layout programs and photo editing programs. Layout programs allow you to assemble and make digital scrapbook pages easily. They help you organize digital photo's, page themes and journaling. The other type of program for digital scrapbooking is the Photo Editing software like Photoshop, Corel's Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop Elements or Microsofts Digital Image Pro. Paint Shop Pro and Adobe's Photoshop Elements are two of the most popular and easy to use Photo Editing software for digital scrapbooking. You can find online tutorials for each program if you don't already know how to use them.
After you have decided what program to use and learned how to use…then the fun begins. You'll want to find some tutorials about laying pages out (layering), resolution count and creating your first basic page. You'll be choosing templates, photo's, embellishments, decorations and other elements for your first page. Don't get carried away, keep it simple until you get a few pages under your belt. You can then try new things and techniques.
Once you have your pages created you need to figure out how you are going to store them. There are a number of ways you can choose. You can save them as a high resolution JPG image, in the native format of the program you're using or as a low resolution JPG. Also, make sure you create proper folders on your computer for you digital scrapbook pages. Nothing is more frustrating than hunting for pages you know you created but can't find!
Since digital cameras are becoming the norm, so will digital scrapbooking as the industry develops. You can do many things on the computer that you might not be able to do on paper. Don't think that digital scrapbooking will replace paper scrapbooking, though. Women love to get together and scrapbook, this would all be lost with digital scrapbooking. So paper scrapbooking is going to remain popular. [Article from Here]
Scrapbooks originally started out as Memory Books where people would keep things such as ticket stubs, newspaper articles, cards, wrappers etc. from special events. Over the years it developed into a craft or hobby with mainly pictures, paper and embellishments.Many years ago, when i was in a primary school, i do scrap booking when Christmas time came. Decorated some paper with ribbon, color, embellishment, etc, to make it very pretty yeah...Decorate paper with stuff, put some memorable pictures together, design with fun, makes it as nice as you like and make scrap for lifetime. Scrap for one moment you want to keep and remember, scrap for your life.
Scrapbook layout for my niece and nephew.
Kits still from Nadya's Scrap.
Petra as a litte cute!
I like this scrapbook layout, simple but sweet hehe...
Thanks for Nadya's Scrap for the pretty kits!
Scrapbook Layout of Petra's hand (my niece)
I'm not quiet happy about the result, how about you?
I just love this pic with Ben in a red t-shirt. This pic captured by Andik when we were at Genting Highland a few days ago. And today when i start browsing some kit for my pics, i have found mandymistiques kits (thanks!), and I thought it was very nice to put on ben pic. I took the paper,the journals strips and the ladybug button, the mailing frames are my kits.Simply and nice page....