cute as a monster ^_^

Something cute from Choukette Design!!! awww...i love this kit! super cute kit......CUTE AS A MONSTER....available @ Digital-crea. Here is the preview! ^_^

This cutie cute baby is Joey, my nephew when he was less then 1 year. Cute isn't he?! he he. Beautiful big eyes :)

The second page is Joey too......LOL!!! ha ha ha...Sure you are very cute Joey!!!!! muahhhhh!

Thanks for LOOKING! ^_^

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Happy Ending

New kit from Mystique Designs.............HAPPY's a fabulous dark kit colors! available @ is the preview :)

I made 2 pages with this kit, first one is a rak for Gossia, and the second is a photo of my niece ^_^. Thanks for looking.

Don't forget to visit Mystique blog, she has a bunch of gorgeous gift for you all!

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My love is green...

NEW kit from Seni Designs...... My love is green....Beautiful and lovely kit! It's available at Digital-Crea! Here is the preview....

OK, i made two pages from this kit, one is a rak for Widi, photo of her adorable ds ^_^. The second is a photo of Kiva darling, my niece :)

thanks for looking :D

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Little Angel

Last week i got lucky !!! he he... Won rak from the happy place @dst. A complete kit from Laurie Ann Designs, it's a whole pack yipeeee....! The element pack with papers, cluster frames, qp's, and word art. WOW i fall in love with those bunch of wa! She even gave me an extra coupon, and i got one more gorgeous kit from the store!!! She is so generous and her kit beautiful!!!!

This is my first page with my niece photo, i only used 1 paper, and a wa...simply page but i love it! Thank you so much Laurie Ann.

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Free kit from Choukette: Lovely Little Friends

Simple layout with photo of my son and our dog, Lobo. Actually he is my parent dog in my mom house, ben loves to play with him, feeding him and sleeping beside him LOL. I love to have one here with us so my Ben have friend to play everyday except me LOL. Maybe later....not sure yet right now he he....

The sad story i tell you! When we went to my mother house, far away in north s
Sumatra, ben so happy play with Lobo. But when we came back to Jakarta before got back to Malaysia, we heard bad news from my sister that, Lobo just pass away, got an accident, bump into the car....ahhh

Bye bye Lobo...we love u.

Ok, now for the good news! I made this page from LOVELY LITTLE FRIENDS kit, by Choukette Design. And it's FREE !!! Yes it's FREE @ Digital Crea. So what are you waiting for! Grab it faster before they put a price on it ^_^

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Catch your Angel

NEW kit from Mystique Designs.........Catch Your Angel........Its soft and delicate beautiful blue and pink kit. Grab it from Oscraps! Below the previews. And oh..dont forget to visit Mystique blog for a gorgeous freebies :)

Ok! Here are my page ^_^, one in blue, the other one pink! It's the photos of my lovely niece.
The pink one is presented Tassel, my 8 years old niece. The pink one is....Kiva Darling, my lovely niece ^_^, born about 3 weeks ago.....:D

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Just a moment

NEW kit from Choukette Designs. colors soooo much!!!
JUST A MOMENT kit. A beautiful kit wich full of sweetness ^_^. It's available at The French Frog.

Here are my pages :) The first one is a photo of my bro in law and also photo of them together, my sister and my bro in law in Bali, one of the beautiful plcae on earth ^_^

The second lo is the photo of their son....So this is a family album....LOL !!! Thanks for looking!

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A B C Days kit

NEW kit from Roben Marie Design.............ABC Days kit........It's fantastic!!!!
This is back to school kit. Is full of school tools, labels and more! It also boasts eleven unique papers perfect for your layouts! Visit the STORE, Paperbag Studios! page........^,* he he

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a little painting


A freebie kit from Anna Anastasova. Fall in love with this kit in a first sight, i made this lo a few days ago! Thank you Anna for this beautiful kit.
Pucet kliatannya yak layoutnya, tapi suka bgt ma kitnya, kayak lukisan gitu kitnya. Itu ben waktu kira2 masih satu stengah tahun-an, jalan sore di west cost park, Sg. Masih kecil bgt ya...hehehe....

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Tik Tak...Tik Tak...

New kit from Mystique Designs.......... Tik Tak...Tik Tak... Available at Oscraps.

Don't forget to jump to Mystique blog :) there are surprises for you too....a freebie ^_^

And here are my pages...^_^

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I love to travel ^_^

'My Benhard'
kit from 'Travel Chic' by Vinnie Pearce

Main di The Happy Place, ehhhh dapet hehe, seneng banget banget, kit nya keren banget. Besokannya langsung deh bikin layout ini! Moga2 ya nak kita keliling dunia kek gitu hihi, gapapa deh mimpinya duluan yg jalan lewat layout uhuyyyy! hihihi...

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Sekedar cerita ceriti & Travel Chic!

Ga tau nih urutannya ngawur biarin aja deh yg penting tersalurkan hihihi. Sekarang auranya lagi nano-nano....antara exited, busy busy booo, ngantuk...and laper...nah loh haha!

Udh lama banget pengen update blog nya si boy, udh numpuk itu yg mau di posting, tapi kok ya ngga jadi2 melulu, duh....kapan ya.....duh duh...udah2an malam ini...
Padahal juga kalo update juga singkat2 saja, hanya satu baris kalimat, banyakan potone haha. Tapi kok ya waktunya ga cukup rasanya.

Udah kepengen tampilin gaya baru rambut si boy, yg kiri kanan kepalanya ada garis2 nya itu hehehe, juga beberapa video lucunya.....wadaw....kapan oh kapan????
Orang lain emang kaga ada yg nungguin, cuma aku yg gregetan tapi bikin aduhai....hehehe

Teringat waktu baru nge-bulay jaman dulu, kok ya, tenaga and semangat tinggi banget yak! gimana dg teman2 lain? sekarang ini, semangatnya doang yg tinggi, tau lari kemana! Bawaannya ngantuk, cepat capek...haduh....

Sedikit mesej-an dg bulay mba Fenny, si mbak bilang klo punggungnya mulai sakit, aku kata perutku yg sakit. Sampe akhirnya minggu lalu tuntas juga di meja operasi. Udh dikluarin itu daging yg ga perlu dlm tubuhku. Pas habis oprasi, nangis bombai saia yg trahir oprasi2i an ya....ngga mau lagi...huaaaa....Bukan soal sakitnya tapi ngeri liat ruang oprasinya itu. Mudah2an jangan pernah lagi. Itu kejadian tanggal 29 agustus sekitar 2 minggu lalu. hari ini udh ok banget, udh ga ada sakit lagi. Asli dlm 2 hari itu, 28 dan 29 adalah hari oprasi buat kluargaku, tanggal 28, adikku yg bungsu oprasi caesar anak pertamanya, sorenya habis adikku yg dibawahku melahirkan anak ke tiganya secara normal, dia oprasi kecil steril. Besokannya saia oprasi juga! Kk ku sms sampe bilang...oiiiiiii sapa maneh yg mau hahhaha.....ginep cuma semalam di rs, sbetulnya si babe bilang nambah semalam atau 2 malam lagi biar bener2 istrahat.Tapi kok ya ga biasa pisah sama anak,minta pulang aja, cukup semalam wae lah!

Udah berhayal aja, stelah pulih wahhhhh asik nih bakal bisa tambah waktu gentayangan malamnya secara udh ga ada sakit2 di perut lagi. Ternyata ngga juga.....cepat tidur juga, sekali waktu pengen lembur besokannya ngantuk mati deh satu hari. Pertanyaannya, apakah saia sudah tua ya?! hahhaa....

Sementara itu saia bulan ini yayyyyyyy seneng bgt jd guest ct Mystique Design....Nah ini juga pengen dicritain.....Irma mampir bilang: gimana, forum nya Brydka aktip banget kan?!
Yanga ada saia kuaget and surprised banget! Bener2 super aktip itu forumnya dia.

Pointnya aku liat adalah Brydkanya emang orgnya generous banget and ramah! Dia apresiasi semua ctnya dan los mereka. Forum gini nih yg ok banget. Forum yang hidup! apalagi kitnya aduh mak.....gakuku.....keren2 banget! And seperti kt irma lagi, cepat bgt kluarin kit baru, and bagus2 pula!!!!!adoh tahan....Itu td yg kubilang exited dan busy! Busy dan exited yg macam gini yg top and enak punya! hehe...

Trus-an guest yg bulan lalu diperpanjang pula ke bulan ini, bener2 baik hati dia.....moga2 saja bulan depan guest bulan ini diperpanjang lagi.....harap harap amin! hehehehe.....

And satu lagi yg bikin exited. Last but nit least! Minggu lalu nih menang di The Happy Place yeyeyeyeye...hehe! Kitnya Vinnie Pearce yg baru.Makasi ya jeng Vinnie!!!! suka deh....moga2 beruntung kek begini sering menghampiri saia...^_^

Ini dia hasil layoutnya, saia suka...bagaimana dg anda....? (egp kata org2)
sori lagi kuma genitnya...hahhaa
and ini daoet GSO sama Jimena, makasi ya jeng Jimena hehehe! besok aja deh lo nya...kok ya hari ini kebanyakan posting.....biar buat besok ada!

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Flying Fish and Secret Corner

NEW from Seni Design..............FLYING FISH.........super cute kit and beautiful!.....available at DIGITAL-CREA :)

Another NEW kit from DIGITAL-CREA store!............SECRET by Choukette.
Come visit the store!!!!^_^

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Bump in the Night

New kit from Roben Marie Designs, it's a gorgeous kit........BUMP IN THE's a really great kit for your halloween moment, or just for something unique and mysterious page you want to make :) Visit the store 'Paperbag Studios' to view and buy this kit :)

Here is the preview!!! are my page designs....^_^
First one, featured my ds, i love this page, and this got GSO...yay....

The second one presenting my nephew 'Duan', he's on a 4th grade now. Every time i want to take a pic of him, he always make a silly and funny faces...this photo is him inside a blanket, want to make a scary face....
Sure he's really scary! LOL

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Little Genius Vol 1. I love Chemistry (2nd&3rd lo's)

The first lo and the preview of the kit can view here! more hehe^_^, because i love this kit :) And here is the 2nd and the 3rd layouts, from Marta van Eck new kit!.......Little Genius Vol 1. I love Chemistry. Available @ Gotta Pixel.

My son, my cute 'atom' model he he...

GSO! Kinun...thanks so much ^_^

[photo from deviantART]

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